6 Ways to Find and Interact and Collaborate with other people in the game industry
From making connections, getting jobs, learning new things, making friends in the industry, getting help and more! In this article we will look at how we can interact and connect with other game developers!
Many of us start our game development journey alone and it can be a challenge because we are so busy trying to make a game that when we do need help or advice or tips we rarely know where to turn. In this article I am going to dive into 6 (six) ways that you can find other developers and get connected more to the industry and thus collaborate, get tips, advice and more and become a part of it all! (more…)
Player and Targeting – Understanding Your Market and 6 Tips to Help You!
If you believe your game is for "EVERYONE" then you have already made your first major mistake and are headed for doom! Learn these tips in order to solidify a real market and increase your chance at success for your game!
Over the years creating so many games has taught me a lot of things. I didn't come into the video game business to be a marketing guru, yet in order to sell games you need to understand marketing. (more…)
Game Flow – How To Guide A User Through Your Game
Game flow has several forms, but in this article we will be going over two of the most obvious ones, namely Game User Flow and Game Play Flow
Game Flow, it's a fancy statement but basically it is ultimately how our users experience our games. Now game flow can be broken down into several types of flows, the two most common ones being User Flow and Play Flow. (more…)
Pathfinding Basics, Concepts, Tips and Ideas
Pathfinding is the process of navigation that is used in moving an object from one point to a second distinct point in space and the logical steps to do so.
The simplest form of pathfinding is between two points with empty space in between. More usually however we generally tend to have objects (Such as walls, objects and other terrain) in between those two points. (more…)
Spawn Points and Object Pooling
Onboarding in Games – Learn 7 Tips For Onboarding and User Training
A good onboarding system can help build habits in your players that will keep them coming back to your game and enjoy it. Get it wrong and you'll have players confused and even uninstalling your game!
Onboarding is the process of teaching or training users how to play your game. There are several types of onboarding and getting it right can mean the difference between a top title and a clearance rack! (more…)
Writers Block for Developers – With 7 Tips To Help You Overcome It!
This is one topic that we hardly talk about as developers but it will definitely come up.
As we are constantly writing code daily we get into times where we just cant go forward. It's generally due to an issue that comes out in the book writing/authoring industry when writers are constantly trying to write out ideas and finally just get "stuck" or "blocked". (more…)
Scene Management and Useful Examples